YSR is committed to bring health care in the life of every individual and build a healthy society. Pakistan is not on track to achieving most health-related MDGs. While there has been an improvement in the education sector, health remains on the periphery of the development landscape. With the eighth highest newborn death rate in the world, one in every ten children born in Pakistan during 2001–07 died before reaching the age of five years. Women have a 1 in 80 chance of dying of maternal health causes during their reproductive life. Pakistan thus faces a daunting challenge in improving health outcomes for children and adults alike.
In order to achieve substantial improvements in the health sector, YSR has initiated several activities which have had a positive impact on the health care system.
YSR Health Projects to date:
YSR has launched a number of health workshops especially in the rural areas and initiated campaigns on awareness raising on the following:
  • Awareness about AIDS arranged through workshops and seminars.
  • Seminar and workshops organized for the protection of eyes from diseases.
  • Walks and campaigns launched for awareness of eye disease.
  • Free medical campuses arranged in remote and neglected areas.
  • Medicines were distributed among patients.
  • Polio campaigns organized for awareness about the disease.
  • TB curative workshops conducted in provinces and available drugs distributed.
  • Collection of donation for lens/glasses for poor and aged persons arranged.
  • Awareness about drug abuse; frequent walks and seminars conducted in 7 agencies and 5 FRs.
  • Hepatitis safety measurement programs launched through seminars.
  • Dengue Awareness Programs conducted.
  • Anti narcotics campaign carried out in FATA.

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